Population & Culture
Population Distribution
The distribution of a population by age and sex is among the basic types of information needed for planning. Sex and age composition of a population has significant implications for the reproductive potential, human resource, school attendance, family formation, health care and other service delivery in general.The National Population and Housing Census was conducted in 2014 by UBOS and the results were released. The report provided population figures by sex by Sub-county for all the districts in the country. The results for this district are indicated in Table 3.2. Further data processing and analysis is on-going to generate a more detailed report that will provide information on other indicators up-to the lowest level. Analysis of educational requirements, labour force projections, household composition and migration for example, would not be complete without considering information on age and sex.
Population Density
Population density refers to the number of people per square kilometre. Kibaale district has an area of 1,170sq.kms. Therefore the population density was 151.5 persons per sq.km of land in 2018 year. The population density increased from 98 persons per sq.km in the year 2002 to 140 persons per sq.km in the year 2014 and it is currently at 151.5 persons per sq.km in the year 2018 based on the current population figures as provided for by Planning Department.
Urbanisation rates and levels
Urbanisation is defined as the increase in the proportion of the population living in the urban area. However the definition of urban areas has been changing over time. The 2002 and 2014 censuses defined urban areas as only the gazetted one while the earlier censuses included un gazzetted urban centres with more than 1000 people as part of the urban population
Table 3.3: Population Distribution by Rural – Urban and Sex
Area |
Percentage |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Rural |
95.4% |
84,488 |
84,675 |
169,163 |
Urban |
4.6% |
3,890 |
4,218 |
8,108 |
Source: NPHC 2014, UBOS
Average Household size
A Household is defined as a group of people who normally eat and leave together. Household composition is a key variable for determining demographic characteristics of a population. Household size refers to the number of occupants of a household
Mid Year Population projections for Kibaale District for FY 2019-2020
County |
Serial number |
Sub county |
Population size |
Land area (sq.kms) |
Population density (persons per sq.km) |
Number |
Average size |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Buyanja |
1 |
Bwamiramira |
3,174 |
4.7 |
7,450 |
7,466 |
14,917 |
65.5 |
228 |
2 |
Kabasekende |
3,070 |
4.7 |
7,234 |
7,197 |
14,431 |
82.2 |
176 |
3 |
Bubango |
3,395 |
4.9 |
8,295 |
8,343 |
16,638 |
138.2 |
120 |
4 |
Kyebando |
3,313 |
4.6 |
7,703 |
7,537 |
15,240 |
110 |
139 |
5 |
Kasimbi |
3,538 |
4.6 |
8,228 |
8,048 |
16,277 |
103 |
158 |
6 |
Matale |
3,416 |
4.8 |
8,308 |
8,088 |
16,396 |
111 |
148 |
7 |
Nyamarwa |
5,752 |
4.5 |
12,905 |
12,980 |
25,885 |
157 |
165 |
8 |
Mugarama |
3,620 |
4.4 |
7,981 |
7,947 |
15,928 |
88 |
181 |
9 |
Nyamarunda |
6,856 |
4.6 |
15,439 |
16,099 |
31,537 |
212 |
149 |
10 |
Kibaale T/C |
2,385 |
3.6 |
4,119 |
4,467 |
8,586 |
19 |
452 |
11 |
Karama |
2,288 |
5.2 |
5,930 |
5,965 |
11,895 |
84.5 |
141 |
Total |
40,811 |
4.6 |
93,593 |
94,137 |
187,730 |
1170 |
160 |
Source: District Planning Department Kibaale, 08th April 2019
Mid-Year Population projections for Kibaale District for FY 2019-2020 for age groups 0 to 5 years and 6 to 12 years
County |
Sn |
Sub county |
Total Population |
Population from 0 to 5 years
Population 5 to 12 years
Male |
Female |
Total |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Buyanja |
1 |
Bwamiramira |
7,450 |
7,466 |
14,917 |
1,863 |
1,821 |
3,683 |
1,688 |
1,740 |
3,429 |
2 |
Kabasekende |
7,234 |
7,197 |
14,431 |
1,802 |
1,762 |
3,564 |
1,633 |
1,684 |
3,317 |
3 |
Bubango |
8,295 |
8,343 |
16,638 |
2,077 |
2,031 |
4,108 |
1,883 |
1,941 |
3,824 |
4 |
Kyebando |
7,703 |
7,537 |
15,240 |
1,903 |
1,860 |
3,763 |
1,725 |
1,778 |
3,503 |
5 |
Kasimbi |
8,228 |
8,048 |
16,277 |
2,032 |
1,987 |
4,019 |
1,842 |
1,899 |
3,741 |
6 |
Matale |
8,308 |
8,088 |
16,396 |
2,047 |
2,001 |
4,049 |
1,856 |
1,913 |
3,769 |
7 |
Nyamarwa |
12,905 |
12,980 |
25,885 |
3,232 |
3,160 |
6,392 |
2,930 |
3,020 |
5,950 |
8 |
Mugarama |
7,981 |
7,947 |
15,928 |
1,989 |
1,944 |
3,933 |
1,803 |
1,858 |
3,661 |
9 |
Nyamarunda |
15,439 |
16,099 |
31,537 |
3,938 |
3,850 |
7,788 |
3,570 |
3,679 |
7,249 |
10 |
Kibaale T/C |
4,119 |
4,467 |
8,586 |
1,072 |
1,048 |
2,120 |
972 |
1,002 |
1,974 |
11 |
Karama |
5,930 |
5,965 |
11,895 |
1,485 |
1,452 |
2,937 |
1,346 |
1,388 |
2,734 |
Total |
93,593 |
94,137 |
187,730 |
23,441 |
22,915 |
46,356 |
21,249 |
21,902 |
43,151 |
Source: District Planning Department
Average household size by Sub County
S/N |
Sub county |
No.HH |
Population |
AV.HH.Size |
1 |
Bwamiramira |
3,174 |
14,917 |
4.7 |
2 |
Kabasekende |
3,070 |
14,431 |
4.7 |
3 |
Bubango |
3,395 |
16,638 |
4.9 |
4 |
Kibaale T/C |
3,313 |
15,240 |
4.6 |
5 |
Kyebando |
3,538 |
16,277 |
4.6 |
6 |
Kasimbi |
3,416 |
16,396 |
4.8 |
7 |
Matale |
5,752 |
25,885 |
4.5 |
8 |
Karama |
3,620 |
15,928 |
4.4 |
9 |
Nyamarwa |
6,856 |
31,537 |
4.6 |
10 |
Mugarama |
2,385 |
8,586 |
3.6 |
11 |
Nyamarunda |
2,288 |
11,895 |
5.2 |
40,811 |
187,730 |
4.6 |
Source: Planning Department-Kibaale
Socio-Economic Characteristics
The socio-economic characteristic entails the well-being of the community. It includes the housing conditions, household assets, incomes and outstanding loans, household expenditure, welfare indicator and cultural participation of household members.
Housing conditions by type of house
Housing is one of the basic human needs that have a profound impact on the health, welfare, social attitude and economic productivity of the individual. It is also one of the best indications of the person’s standard of living and his/her place in society.
This section provides information on the housing conditions of the population, household sanitation, assets and amenities available to the household and general household welfare.
Type of dwelling Units in by sex of household head and location
Status of Dwelling Unit |
Sex Head |
Residence |
2014 |
Male |
Female |
Urban |
Rural |
Total |
Detached |
67.6 |
64.3 |
75.3 |
40.8 |
66.8 |
Tenement (Muzigo) |
11.9 |
12.4 |
11.0 |
15.4 |
12.1 |
Semi-detached |
14.2 |
17.0 |
7.7 |
37.1 |
14.9 |
Room(s) in main House |
3.8 |
4.0 |
3.8 |
4 |
3.8 |
Servants Quarters |
0.7 |
0.7 |
0.5 |
1.3 |
0.7 |
Others |
1.8 |
1.6 |
1.7 |
1.6 |
1.7 |
Total |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Source: National Population & Housing Census 2014